Summary of the
2015 Learnings and
Insights report
‘Shared value’ is a concept increasingly relevant to
contemporary business, used to define an approach
to generating economic value that also produces
value for society. In the context of the Jawun program,
it describes how corporate and government partners
strengthen employees’ professional development and
overall organisational culture, while also benefiting
Indigenous organisations and communities through
transfer of skills, capacity and opportunity.
The ‘win–win’ scenario of shared value has
implications for a global context, where trust in
businesses is increasingly eroded by perceptions
that success comes largely at the expense of
communities. Reconnecting company success with
social progress through a shared value approach is
optimistic and compelling. It promises new unity,
and even a chance to ‘reshape capitalism and its
relationship to society’
. 4In its 2015 Learnings and Insights report,
A story
of shared value: corporate and government
s, Jawun used extensive interviews with
its partners to understand how the program
promotes shared value. The three key insights are
presented below, complemented by survey findings
from KPMG’s 2015 impact evaluation of Jawun
(figures 1 to 3).
Phyllis Ningamara welcomes Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer to country at Waringarri Arts Centre, East Kimberley, 2013.
Photo: Louise Law