Section 1 explores the ways in which
are empowered by capacity building and
connections—including those leaders who are
established and emerging, male and female, urban
and remote.
Section 2 discusses how
the capacity of Indigenous
is strengthened through transferred
skills, applied professional experience, and support
for innovation. The section explores each of the seven
elements from the ‘7-S’ framework for organisational
Section 3 examines the ways in which
led enterprises
are accelerated via provision of direct
business and strategic advice.
Section 4 explores the
Indigenous-led reform
initiatives that are enabled through capacity
building, to drive change at a level beyond any single
organisation or community.
Section 5 focuses on how
is supported
within regions, across regions, and across sectors,
to turn ideas into action, expand the impact or scale
of initiatives, and strengthen an Indigenous voice in
public affairs and policy.
The final section (6) of this report explores what
appears to be a groundswell of Indigenous
empowerment, and the hopes of Indigenous leaders
that this signifies the dawning of a new era for
Indigenous Australia. In particular, this empowerment
is reflected in the increased ability of a network of
leaders to collaborate and organise in a way that
realises their visions for community progress, from
the local to the national level.
From an Indigenous partner perspective, this
report demonstrates how the Jawun model—
secondments, executive visits and leadership
initiatives—creates value for Indigenous Australia
by strengthening capacity, connections and
collaboration. The report also explores how Jawun’s
creation of shared value not only makes a practical
contribution to reconciliation between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous Australia, but is a microcosm
of broader change involving a more empowered
Indigenous voice and a greater sense of shared
culture and nationhood.
Information in this report was gathered from
Indigenous and community leaders and
representatives, mostly associated with Jawun
partner organisations and regions. Their words are
captured in the first person, through quotes and case
studies, as much as possible.
The report also draws on the findings of an impact
evaluation conducted by KPMG in 2015
. 2This
involved surveys, data collection and close to
90 consultations with key stakeholders and external
observers across four regions supported by Jawun.
Overall, the evaluation found Jawun to be ‘successful
in strengthening the capacity of Indigenous
organisations and leaders, and in leveraging the
expertise of corporate and government partners to
support Indigenous-led projects, including major
programs of reform’
. 3Detailed findings explored
specific aspects of the model and, where relevant,
these have been used to complement the largely
qualitative evidence and data laid out in this report.
Key terms
Jawun secondment:
Temporary deployment of a skilled corporate or government professional
to an Indigenous organisation, where they work on a specific project brief typically for six weeks
but sometimes for three months or longer. Facilitated by Jawun over four rounds each year, in
10 Indigenous regions across Australia.
Jawun Executive Visit:
Visit by a small group of senior representatives of corporate, government
and philanthropic organisations to an Indigenous region, to meet Indigenous leaders driving reform
or social change initiatives. Facilitated by Jawun annually in each of the 10 regions it supports.
Initiative or set of initiatives that tackles complex, long-running and interrelated social
challenges, to transform dysfunction into development for individuals, families or communities.
Empowered Communities:
Indigenous-designed and -led empowerment agenda established
in 2013 to reshape the way Indigenous communities and governments support community-led
priorities and decision-making around services and funding.