Empowered Communities (2015),
Communities: empowered peoples:
design report
, p. 22, accessible at
http:// empoweredcommunities.org.au/f.ashx/EC- Report.pdf.
KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report. An executive summary is
accessible at
http://jawun.org.au/wp-content/ uploads/2016/04/Jawun-Executive-Summary- Extract-REVISED-8Dec15.pdf.
KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun:
executive summary
, p. 1.
Michael Porter and Mark Kramer (2011), ‘Creating
shared value’,
Harvard Business Review
, 89(1/2),
pp. 62–77.
Noel Pearson (2000), O
ur right to take
, Cairns: Noel Pearson and
Jawun (2015),
A story of shared value: corporate
and government partners
, 2015 Learnings and
Insights report, accessible at
http://2015report. jawun.org.au/files/assets/basic-html/page-1.html.
Empowered Communities (2015), op. cit., p. 11.
See also Ruth Alsop, Mette Bertelsen and Jeremy
Holland (2005),
Empowerment in practice: from
analysis to implementation
, Washington DC:
World Bank.
Anne-Emmanuèle Calvès (2009), ‘Empowerment:
the history of a key concept in contemporary
development discourse’,
Revue Tiers Monde
200(4), pp. 735–49.
Harvard Project on American Indian Economic
Development (n.d.), ‘What works, where, and
why?’, accessible at
http://hpaied.org/about/ overview(viewed 19 September 2017).
10. Empowered Communities (2015), op. cit., p. 13.
11. Forms of Indigenous leadership can be classed as
natural leadership, cultural leadership, educated
leadership and organisational leadership. See
Empowered Communities (2015), op. cit., p. 36.
12. Karina Qian (2013),
Jawun impact review
unpublished report, p. 5.
13. KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report, p. 71.
14. National Indigenous Television (NITV)
(2016), ‘Meet the Yolngu heroes of 2016’,
30 July, accessible at
www.sbs.com.au/nitv/ article/2016/07/30/meet-yolngu-heroes-2016 (viewed 19 September 2017).
15. In the Empowered Communities design report
(p. 7), Indigenous leaders use this metaphor to
describe disempowerment of the Indigenous
‘mouse’—with a 3% stake in the population—
when dealing with the government ‘elephant’,
who stands largely for the other 97%.
16. Jawun (2017),
Baseline impact evaluation of
Emerging Leaders program participants
, internal
report, unpublished, p. 3.
17. Ibid.
18. Miwatj-run Yirrkala Clinic, for example, in the
years since Miwatj took over its management
from the Northern Territory Department of
Health, saw a steady increase in ‘episodes of
care’, an indicator used as proxy for accessibility
in a region where community perceptions of the
cultural inappropriateness of social services are a
significant challenge and barrier.
19. KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report, p. 23.
20. Lowell Bryan (2008), ‘Enduring ideas: the 7-S
McKinsey Quarterly
, 1(2008), pp.
112–112, accessible at
http://www.mckinsey.com/ insights/strategy/enduring_ideas_the_7-s_ framework.21. Figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics
and Research comparing 2008 (the year before
the program started) and 2014 (the most recent
available statistics).
22. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016),
in Australia
, 2016, cat. no. 4517.0, accessible
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/ Lookup/by%20Subject/4517.0~2016~Main%20 Features~Aboriginal%20and%20Torres%20 Strait%20Islander%20prisoner%20 characteristics~5.
23. Australian Institute of Criminology (n.d.), ‘2016
Australian Crime and Violence Prevention
Awards’, accessible at
http://www.aic.gov.au/ crime_community/acvpa/2016.html(viewed
19 September 2017).
24. Indigenous enterprise is a key driver of Indigenous
employment, with Indigenous businesses
considered ‘100 times more likely to hire
Indigenous Australians than non-Indigenous
businesses’. See KPMG (2016),
Igniting the
Indigenous economy
, October, p. 3, accessible
https://home.kpmg.com/au/en/home/ insights/2016/10/igniting-indigenous-economy. html.
25. Indigenous entrepreneurialism has been
accelerated through the Commonwealth’s
Indigenous Procurement Policy, which increased
the government’s expenditure on goods and
services provided by Indigenous businesses
from $6 million to $156 million in less than a
year. As reported in the eighth annual analysis
by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous
Corporations, the combined income of the
top 500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
corporations had jumped 250% from 2004–05
levels. Cited by Craig Emerson and Marcia
Langton in KPMG (2016),
Igniting the Indigenous
, p. 10.
26. James Mabbott and Eddie Fry in KPMG (2016),
Igniting the Indigenous economy
, p. 13.
27. Ibid., p. 14.
28. Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (2016),
‘Fulton Hogan partnership—signing of Kungun
Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement’, 21 June,
accessible at
http://www.ngarrindjeri.org. au/single-post/2016/06/22/Fultan-Hogan- Partnership-Signing-of-Kungun-Ngarrindjeri- Yunnan-Agreement(viewed 19 September 2017).