1.1 Secondee support for leadership
Working at Indigenous organisations for six weeks
or more, Jawun secondees work individually and in
sequence to support Indigenous leaders driving small
and big change.
For emerging leaders stepping into new or
challenging roles, this involves transferring specific
technical skills as well as higher order professional
skills around management or influence. It also
includes enabling greater leadership confidence
(see case study on page 6), and providing strategic
connections that can be drawn on for support
and partnership.
For established leaders, support includes helping
leaders think strategically but boldly about how
they can drive innovative, comprehensive
change for the betterment of their communities.
Professional, experienced secondees provide
strategic ‘thought companionship
’ 12to Indigenous
leaders, acting as a sounding board and helping
shape and implement ambitious initiatives or
policy reforms (see case study on page 8). They
also provide Indigenous leaders with space and
collaboration opportunities to apply new thinking
and practise innovation, in order to achieve
community development goals.
KPMG, in its impact evaluation of Jawun, found that
high-calibre secondees (and other corporate mentors
who are part of the Jawun network) were ‘influencing
[Indigenous leaders’] approach to management, their
strategic thinking and their communication style as
well as the ability to positively influence the sector in
which they operate’
. 13I’ve seen young guys who are really the next generation of
leaders work with secondees, and seen how their confidence
grows and how they’ve expanded their own networks. In
10 years’ time they’ll be the next leaders, and at the moment
they’re growing because of their work with Jawun secondees.
They’re learning more, and they’re thinking about opportunities
that might come their way to expand their horizons.
Foreground (from left): Shane Phillips (Tribal Warrior), Sean Gordon (Darkinjung), Noel Pearson (Cape York Partnership). Background (from
left): Karyn Baylis (Jawun), Ross Love (BCG), Anthony Roediger (BCG), Sarah Franks (formerly of Westpac), Alison Urquhart (BCG), Alex
Macoun (formerly of BCG), Simon Moore (BCG), Steve Hind (former BCG) and Tim Mooney (BCG).
Photo: Daniel Linnet