29. Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Communities (2012),
‘Raukkan rangers, South Australia’, Working
on Country case study, October, accessible at
https://www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ workingoncountry/publications/pubs/casestudy- woc-raukkan.pdf.
30. Noel Pearson (2000),
Our right to take
, Cairns: Noel Pearson and
31. Amartya Sen (1999),
Development as freedom
(1st edn), New York: Oxford University Press.
32. KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report, p. 128.
33. Ibid., pp. 129–30.
34. Noel Pearson, Bernardine Denigan and Jan
Götesson (2009), ‘The most important reform’,
position paper, Cairns: Cape York Partnerships.
35. Quoted in Jamie Walker (2017), ‘No retreat for
Noel Pearson on Direct Instruction teaching
The Australian
, 12 August, accessible at
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/ indigenous/no-retreat-for-noel-pearson-on- direct-instruction-teaching-program/news-story/ 5fcbfca173b5c26c6ab6635485fdcb34.36. KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report, p. 136.
37. Miriam Jorgensen and Alison Vivian, ‘Challenging
Indigenous Australia Inc: Indigenous community
political governance’, cited in Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner
Social justice and native title report 2014
Canberra: Australian Human Rights Commission.
38. The Ngarrindjeri Nation Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan
is accessible at
http://docs.wixstatic.com/ ugd/01b606_0dbc738b1cb24f69867b5 8eed2c166ff.pdf.39. Sean Gordon (2015), ‘Aboriginal leaders feel
powerless when dealing with the government’,
The Australian
, 31 October, accessible at
http:// www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/ aboriginal-leaders-feel-powerless-when- dealing-with-the-government/news-story/ bf8a05715434bf9942bbb0fea89833ee.
40. KPMG (2015),
Impact evaluation of Jawun
unpublished report, p. 121.
41. Malcolm Turnbull (2017), ‘Closing the Gap Report
Statement to Parliament’, 14 February, accessible
https://www.pm.gov.au/media/2017-02-14/ closing-gap-report-statement-parliament.42. Malcom Turnbull (2017), ‘Prime Minister’s
introduction: Working with Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people for a better Australia’, in
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s report
, p. 5, accessible at
http://closingthegap.pmc. gov.au.
43. Internal calculation based on Jawun alumni
database. Jawun tracks the number of secondees
dedicated to Empowered Communities and how
many weeks of time each one gives.
44. Jawun alumni database.
45. Empowered Communities (2017), ‘Our 2017
report’, West Kimberley regional report, p. 2,
accessible at
http://empoweredcommunities.org. au/regions/west-kimberley/regional-report-2017. aspx.
46. Jawun alumni database.
47. Ibid.
48. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) defines social capital
as ‘networks together with shared norms, values
and understandings that facilitate co-operation
within or among groups’. See OECD (2001),
well-being of nations: the role of human and
social capital
, Paris: OECD, p. 41.
49. Empowered Communities (2015),
Communities: empowered peoples: design
, p. 22.
50. Every year since 2009, the Kaiela Institute has
hosted (with the University of Melbourne) the
annual Dungala Kaiela Oration. A prominent
speaker addresses themes of climate change,
culture, economics and regional development,
health and society, and legal issues. This now
high-profile event celebrates Indigenous cultural
identity, has created a shared vision for Goulburn
Murray, and has built bridges to promote social
and economic development. Each year, Jawun
builds a Goulburn Murray Executive Visit around
the oration. For more information, see http://
www.kaielainstitute.org.au/dungala-kaiela- oration.html.
51. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (2017), ‘Elevate
Reconciliation Action Plan FY2017–FY2019’,
accessible at
https://www.commbank.com.au/ content/dam/commbank/about-us/download- printed-forms/elevate-reconciliation-action-plan. pdf.
52. Sean Gordon and Liz Forsyth in KPMG (2016),
Igniting the Indigenous economy
, p. 35.
53. See
http://darkinjungbarker.nsw.edu.au/about- the-school/curriculum54. Empowered Communities (2015),
Communities: empowered peoples: design
, p. 37.
55. Ibid., p. 19.
56. Uluru Statement from the Heart, statement
from the First Nations National Constitutional
Convention, 26 May 2017, accessible at
https:// www.referendumcouncil.org.au/sites/default/ files/2017-05/Uluru_Statement_From_The_ Heart_0.PDF.
57. Rachel Perkins (2017), ‘Indigenous declaration
is an honest claim from the heart of our
The Australian
, 29 May, accessible at
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/ indigenous-declaration-is-an-honest-claim- from-the-heart-of-our-nation/news-story/ e5adc80c44d2edc30c5b88540caa35bc.2017 LEARNINGS AND INSIGHTS